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The Major Steps Involved In Processing Coke

In manufacturing industries, especially in iron and steel industries, coke oven plant is an integral part. Coke oven is nothing but a heating device used to produce coke from coal. Coke is a modified form of coal with high carbon content and less impurities. The temperature used to make coke in the device ranges from 1000 degree Celsius to 2000 degree Celsius. The gas produced by this heating process is the coke oven gas. The gas which is produced from the coke oven plant can be of extreme economic importance as r several by products can be available from proper treatment of this gas.

Coal when heated to produce coke, the volatile matters in coal evaporates. These volatile matters take off from the coke oven chamber as a hot gas – coke oven gas. This gas after cooling creates a condensation liquid and gas. The coke oven by product plant collects this semi-liquid semi –gas product to make number of coal chemicals which are of great importance. The coke oven gas after being treated can be used as fuel gas. The major use of the coke oven gas is in the form of fuel gas and it is extensively used.

 The major steps in the processing of coke oven gas include cooling, tar precipitation, ammonia removal, exhausting process etc. First the gas is passed through the primary cooler which cools down the gas to form a condensation. There are various processes and devices available for this cooling and each of them has its own merits and demerits. In some cases cooling tower is also used to cool down the gas. The second step is getting the tar precipitator which starts automatically after the initial cooling. Then the gas is passed through the coke oven battery with the help of a large blower called exhauster. Next is the ammonia removal process which is done by spraying sulfuric acid into the gas to form ammonium sulfate and thus ammonia is removed. Now the gas undergoes final cooling process to remove heat it has received from the exhauster. After that several products like naphthalene, light oil is manufactured from this gas.

Coke oven gas is of extreme importance because of it’s by products. The tar produced in this cooling process is used in many chemical processes. Naphthalene is also useful for some purpose. There are many other products manufactured from the coke oven gas by little treatment with these products. Now-a-days the production of those by products has reduced to a great extent as these products can also be produced from petroleum in lesser cost so now the major use of this gas is as fuel gas. Bengal Tools Ltd. is one of the fastest growing companies offering end-to-end solutions to coal handling plants

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Coal Washery and Coal Handling Plant

India is a nation of plenty, be it unemployment, needs or population. To add to the tally, the energy needs of the nation are always sky-rocketing. In such cases, coal happens to be a savior, to the nation. Coal satiates atleast 55% of the nation’s energy needs, with a production of 450 million tones. Furthermore, it has also been envisaged, that the production of this form of energy, in the nation, would exceed 600 million tons in the near future. Least to say, the investment opportunities in this sector, is in plenty as well. However, before getting into the number game, it is mandatory to have a clear understanding of the intricacies, of the product.

A coal washery, shoulders the responsibility of washing the coal from its several impurities, namely water and soil. Next, a CPP or also commonly known as a coal handling plant, grades these large chunk of coals, into smaller pieces or in a tad lower form. It is only after the product passes its clinical tests, that it is ready, to be transported into the global or the local markets. However simple it appears to be, the segregation of coal, encapsulates myriad stages, namely stacking, reclaiming, coal sampling, washability, screening, gravity separation and so on.

With the passage of time, the Indian coal reserves have mustered unrequited fame and honor. According to a recently conducted survey, India happens to be one of the largest reservoirs of coal, with 267.21 billion tones of coal, under its belt. Hands down, it happens to be one of the largest in the world, with 105.82 tonnes, proven till date. 

Lastly, the thermal power projects and the metal manufacturing industries, in the nation, are highly dependent on the coal industry, for its progress. The gigantic mega power plants tend to use up atleast 40 MMT of coal, every year. Staggering! Keeping in mind the fact, that non renewable sources of energy, wouldn’t suffice the future generation, the coal industry easily dominates the energy market.

Bengal Tools Limited the fastest growing company in Coal Beneficiation plant. It offers all the services related to the functioning of a coal handling plant.

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Emergence of Coal Handling Plants

The Indian coal industry is one of the largest industries based on production level and huge resource base. Despite such high volumes of reserve base, India has not yet been able to cope up with the deficit in production against the growing industry demands. With the growing demand of coal in recent years, the coal industry is rising to become the top industry in Indian market and a huge source of revenue.

Since there is a bulk requirement in coal production, the layout and structure of a coal handling plant needs to be robust and simple so as to minimize maintenance cost and effort. Coal is transported to these plants by different types of bulk handling equipments and is then crushed in through various levels of crushing with a system that comprises of various conveyor belts and electro-magnetic vibrating feeders. Once the crushing is done, the crushed coal is moved to screening plant where particles are separated based on different sizes. Then, the coal is moved through the process of dewatering i.e. removing water content from coal in the Coal Washery.

The process of conversion of coal into coke using the coke oven by-product involves volatile matter that is present in coal to be vaporized and driven off. This volatile matter evaporates through the oven chambers as hot, raw coke oven gas.

Bengal Tools Limited has made its mark in the industry as the fastest growing company in Coal Beneficiation plant. It is the one stop solution to all requirements related to the functioning of a coal handling plant.

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Air Preheaters-Types and Industries

Air Preheaters are used as heat exchangers for heating, evaporating, cooling and condensing and also for heat recovery in a large number of industries. The reason for the worldwide acceptance of air preheaters are their high thermal effectiveness, effective leakage control properties, proven reliability and performance, compactness of their design and their adaptability to any fuel burning process.

Available in a broad range of arrangements and size, air preheaters are engineered to meet specific requirements and operating conditions of a variety of applications. The industries in which air preheaters are used are follows:

·         Electrical power generating plants

·         Package and large industrial boilers

·         Fluidized bed boilers

·         Waste incinerators and drying industries

·         Flue gas and reheating industries

There are different types of airpreheaters. Finned-tube preheaters can be made from a wide range of materials like steel, stainless, copper/aluminum, aluminum and other special materials. Again, there are plain-tube preheaters which are used when a fluid present around the tubes is so polluted that finned tubes can no more be used. Plain tubes have the probability of getting configured in different way either next to each other or serially.

 Bengal Tools provides one-stop solution in bulk material handling and is the number one EPC’s contractors company in India looking forward to make a mark in the international front very soon. 

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