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Air Preheaters-Types and Industries

Air Preheaters are used as heat exchangers for heating, evaporating, cooling and condensing and also for heat recovery in a large number of industries. The reason for the worldwide acceptance of air preheaters are their high thermal effectiveness, effective leakage control properties, proven reliability and performance, compactness of their design and their adaptability to any fuel burning process.

Available in a broad range of arrangements and size, air preheaters are engineered to meet specific requirements and operating conditions of a variety of applications. The industries in which air preheaters are used are follows:

·         Electrical power generating plants

·         Package and large industrial boilers

·         Fluidized bed boilers

·         Waste incinerators and drying industries

·         Flue gas and reheating industries

There are different types of airpreheaters. Finned-tube preheaters can be made from a wide range of materials like steel, stainless, copper/aluminum, aluminum and other special materials. Again, there are plain-tube preheaters which are used when a fluid present around the tubes is so polluted that finned tubes can no more be used. Plain tubes have the probability of getting configured in different way either next to each other or serially.

 Bengal Tools provides one-stop solution in bulk material handling and is the number one EPC’s contractors company in India looking forward to make a mark in the international front very soon. 

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